Fancy a free Weekend
Try Stewarding with our DA
All our meets are organised by volunteers who Steward the events our Meets and Temporary Holiday Sites (THS). They give their time and a friendly welcome all for their love of Camping. Not only is Stewarding an enjoyable, worthwhile and fun experience, without Stewards there would be no DA meets. So, as a way of recognising their efforts and support given to fellow campers, Stewards Camp for free at the meets or THS they are managing. As an added “Thank You”, we provide a voucher for a further two free nights camping at any one of our meets or THS.
We are always on the lookout for willing members to Steward our meets. You may feel unsure about this role, then why not consider shadowing an experienced Steward at an event, you will enjoy the same benefits as the Steward and gain valuable experience.
If you you like more information please contact Les via email here or via the LSWLDA Facebook Page
Also… Take a look at our useful guide to Stewarding here