A message from our Past Chairman
I’m Les French and I‘m the recent Chairman, now Past Chairman of Liverpool and South West Lancashire DA.
I’ve been a member of the Club and DA for over 70 years, amazing really as I am only 47! Seriously though, the DA and Club has always been a major part of my life, and it’s where I met my wife Tracey, your DA Secretary.
We’ve seen a lot of changes over the years with the emphasis moving from simple countryside sites with little or no social activities, to the present, where a lot of nomadic campers choose where to go by what is laid on. With this in mind, our committee are ever looking for the kind of meets and activities members now want. We offer something for everyone during the season, whether it’s Social, Sporty or just good old fashioned Camping in the Country, just check out our fixtures either here or on our Facebook page, and especially the revitalised ‘New Year’s Meet’ at Holmeswood.
Support the North West Regional Meet at Longridge Showground in May where LSWLDA are very heavily involved, Tracey as Regional Chairman and DA members organising some the sports and the ‘Real Ale Bar’. We have a DA area for us, so join in the fun. We are always on the lookout for new helpers and even fresh faces on the Committee, so share a bit of your time to help if you can, families with children being especially welcomed. Remember, we are not called ‘The Sociable DA’ for nothing, you camp with us.....you’re one of us.
Liverpool and South West Lancashire DA, one of the original 7 DAs and one of the oldest and best in the Club, see you on the field.
Les French
LSWLDA Past Chairman